The World's Most Detailed Crime Map! Don't buy or rent without checking Realbloc.
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"Realbloc helped me find a neighborhood where I felt aligned with the folks who were already living there."
- Fred Ellis"Thanks to Realbloc, I avoided buying in an area with high crime rates. Worth every penny!"
- April Gibson"I wanted to find a place to live where it was easy to access groceries and restaurants. I did, and it was easy!"
- Tamara KempRealbloc provides property and neighborhood analytics to help you make informed decisions before buying or renting.
We use reputable and vetted source data from the US Census, Overture Maps Foundation, Gun Violence Archive, The New York Times, and
Yes, you can see any map up to a certain level of detail.
We normalize the data by population, so that it shows the rate of a given variable, rather than raw data. We also show data that's normally shown in 2D in the 3rd dimension
The voting data is by individual precinct.
A food desert is a place with low food availability relative to the population of the area.
It allows you to compare homes of different square footage on a more level playing field within the same area than raw listing price.
Absolutely. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Simply click the 'manage subscription' link in the console to get to the billing page.